Monday, May 30, 2005

Being a student in May is like…

…being in the desert all alone with a bottle of water and a map for company. You have an idea where you are, but as you keep on walking you start to doubt your orientation-skills. All you see is sand. Billions and billions of sand corns, dune after dune and the hot, burning sun is making you sweat. Far away you see an oasis, giving you hope. You walk as fast as you can towards it, but as you believe to almost have arrived, it’s no longer there. You run out of water, but discover how to suck out the bitter-sweet juice of a cactus. The vouchers are circling you in, waiting for a quick meal. Then before you know it, a caravan of Bedouins and camels have taken you with them. You have no idea where you’re going, but hopefully it will be a place more civilized than the desert.


Risa said...

Being a student in June, July and August... Now that's just fantastic :oD

Anonymous said...

Jeg tror drømmemannen din er en te-drikkende, katte-elskende latino med skotsk akksent..eller noe deromkring. Herlig resultat med de brødene:D

Mr Hanson

Anonymous said...

Wuauuuu, que puedo decir....muy lindo lo que escribes Willow, va directo a mi corazon!!!!

