The latest fashion within dog-tuxedos
Ritzy Canine is a luxery hotel in New York, - where the guests are dogs. There is no end to all the delights and facilities rich dogs can endulge themselves with at this hotel. They stay in private luxery suites with custom-made bedding. If the tummy starts rumbling, they can order organic gourmet food to the suite, or otherwise dine with their friends in the restaurant. For work-out, the guests are welcome to use the latest, "state-of-the-art doggie treadmill," and afterwards relax in the spa, get a massage, watch a film of interest in the salon or go shopping for international designer-clothes in the hotel boutique. Not to forget that "upon entering our lobby, patrons will be enveloped in a sumptuous palate of blue and gold. A European crystal chandelier, sconces and period artwork are sure to dazzle the eye." (Ritzy Canine 2005) For rates, see the hotel pricelist.
Reality-check: has the world gone MAD??? Is it really ok to spend this much money on luxery dog-care, when children are starving in the third world? Have we reached a level where our perception of the human rights to freedom makes us justify spending our money on whatever we want to (because it is our money, and we have aquired it by working very hard) without our moral or ethics ever kicking in as bad conscience? Well, I'm just asking.
ja hva kan man ikke gjøre enn å skrive nok engang i bloggen din. hehe. må jo meddele at det var en uforglemmelig "filmkveld" vi hadde igår. I løpet av kvelden fikk jeg jo virkelig tak på de 15 min.av "setiden" vi fikk lov å se av gangen. hehe. arti arti!
The world has always been mad. There will always be people with too little food etc. And the rich people who send their dogs to that luxury hotel, they probably have more than enough money to spoil their dogs AND give money to help the poor...
Project Bread-baking-Ørjan vol. 2.
Much better result this time! They are in the oven, and the smell is...fantastic! This is food for humans, not dogs or cats.
Homemade bread(peufect), apple and cinammon tea, Q-melk Orangejuice, a book and Miles Davies on the stereo...that's my idea of a perfect Sunday morning:D
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