Walking down the narrow path leading to the sea-shore one late evening, Willow decided to sit down on the rocks. Her mind was full of all sorts of thoughts, and as usual when you find yourself on the edge of the mainland with nothing but stormy waters to look at, you think about life, love and the ocean. Having admired the sea for a while, an old man came up to Willow. "What are you doing here, girl?" He asked. Willow replied, that she was thinking about life, love and the ocean. "Oh, I understand," said the old man. "I am the keeper of the lighthouse over there, if you would want to take a look." As the old man had eyes that expressed nothing but goodness, Willow decided to take him up on his offer. After all, how often do you get a chance to enter a beautiful lighthouse? Walking up the winding stairs, they finally reached the top where the great light was. Willow had never seen such a magnifiscent view. She could see the whole ocean, all the ships and even the place where Tito was. "I'll show you how the light works," said the old mad, "so that whenever you need to, you can signal your thoughts to Tito." "You know about Tito?" Willow was very surprised. "There is many a thing I know, girl," said the old man with a smile. After this encounter, Willow felt very light, because now she had the knowledge of how to communicate with Tito over the distance.
Brødene ble svært gode! Må skaffe et par former da brødene under heving ble litt vel lave og brede, tror former skal løse det problemet:)
A lighthouse? Are you making up stories, Willow? You'll like this
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