There is a big globe on the table. It shows you all the places in the world. Some you have been to, but most you haven't. There are so many beautiful places left to see. You start turning the globe around. Giving it more and more speed. Closing your eyes. Feel the spinning, feel the movement. Then it slows down until it makes a full stop. Place your finger on the globe. Then open your eyes. Nepal.
Tito, will you come with me?
Hola bella, que bueno lo que escribiste en este espacio!!!! muy profesional, muy poetico, algo asi lo senti!!! muchas felicdades Willow querida...
Er det du som kaller deg Anon i gjesteboken min? *nysgjerrig*
Mr Hanson
Russian roulette? If so, I'd rather play your game... ;o)
!!!perdona por no contestar tu pregunta Willow!!! pero tu sabes muy bien que yo voy a cualquier parte del mundo contigo!!!! te amo muchissssssimo...
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