May 23rd, the newspaper reports: A car was stolen the previous night somewhere in the Southern part of Norway. Apparently the unfortunate male feline Mons was also in the car; up until this point, without a worry in the world. His owner was of course devastated, telling the reporters that the car could always be replaced, while dear Mons could not. She was begging the thieves not to harm the cat. I can very well relate to this.
May 26th, the same newspaper reports: The car has been found, with Mons still alive inside! The vet has carefully been examining the now very affortunate male feline, and his report concludes that Mons is doing good, despite not having had access to food or water the last four days. Upon this, the overly thrilled owner promises that her beloved Mons will get the best treatment possible and a plate of delicious fish for dinner.
The articles say nothing about what went on in that car those days (or what Mons was doing there in the first place), but luckily the story had a happy ending and Mons is now reunited with his family. News like this makes me happy.
hei willow ;) innså jo at jeg måtte skrive noe til deg i bloggen da vettu. kan jo ikke være en dårlig venn. Sku nu bare si at Rine verken jobber som bilmekaniker eller negledesigner. hun jobber faktisk i et forsikringsselskap.(avholdforbund) Hvem ville ha trodd noe slikt? kos deg videre da! :)
Hola Willow, confieso que no lei muy bien tu bloog, pero me parece muy hermoso el gatito manejando un carro, muy chistoso...bueno foto bella, un abraccio forte!!!!
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