What’s better than to spend a free Friday at a beautiful peninsula in the company of a loved one? What’s nicer than walking around in the sunshine looking at well-kept gardens and grand wooden houses? And if in addition, you could see and learn something new, the day would be close to perfect. The vikingship museum in Oslo contains three ships, and a number of Viking artefacts. Vikings have a terrible reputation – probably well deserved. But apart from robbing, killing, raping and burning down churches, they did have a rich tradition of storytelling. As usual, Tito got a whole lot more interested in the thoughts and ideas of the Vikings, than their things. Much wisdom can be drawn out from the Håvamål, and Tito makes sure to enrich Willow with his newfound knowledge. Much to her likings.
1 comment:
Veit du ein ven
som vel du trur,
og du hjå han fagnad vil få:
gjev han heile din hug
og gåva ei spar,
far og finn han ofte.
If you find a friend you fully trust
And wish for his good-will,
exchange thoughts,
exchange gifts,
Go often to his house.
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