Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Night in the neighbourhood

The world seems so peaceful at night. My neighbours' lights are out, their curtains drawn and everybody appears to be sleeping. Tito is sleeping. I ought to sleep. The air feels cool on the balcony, but not too cool. A dog is wandering restlessly on the street and the occasional car is passing by. I guess some people go to work this hour, while others are out there trying to cure their insomnia. If I wait long enough, I'll see the sunrise and a new day being born.


Anonymous said...

Pobrecita mi Willow!!! espero que esta noche no pases insomnio como hoy, yo dormia pero en alguna parte de mi sueño estabas vos!!!! como siempre, I love you...

ha det bra


Anonymous said...

Hi, jeg er litt forelsket i natten som du vet. Tror nattemørker gir meg tid til å ikke legge merke til merke alt som distraherer en i hverdagen. Dermed så kan en konsentrere seg om andre ting. Har tatt et par usosialdager denne uka, meget sunt:)

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