Monday, September 12, 2005

An unusual sight

Last night Tito and Willow were walking through the park enjoying the chill air. All of a sudden, lots of noises could be heard from above. People in the park were looking up to detect the source of the noise, and were caught by surprise. A large flock of migratory storks! As the sun was setting, the birds settled down for the night on roofs and TV-antennas - apparently causing a bit of disturbance on some people's TV screens. (Good thing there was no soccer-game on!) Winter is setting in sooner than usual this year, resulting in earlier migratory flights. Quite a sight!


Anonymous said...

Willow!!! vimos las cigüeñas en el parque, que lindo fue..... ellas son esas que traen bebes, pero nosotros aun no hemos hecho pedidos, verdad Willow?????

Un abachoooo


Willow said...

Te amo, te amo, te amo, Tito.

Luhnan said...

Hei frk. Willow!

Gleder meg til å se den tidligere omtalte filmen, har litt forhåpninger til den skjønner du:)

Tror det er noen ender her som ikke har oppdaget at alle andre flyr sørover..stakkars

Jobbintervju på bibliotek(deltids-greie) idag, jeg har nerver!!