Carlos had everything he needed. Food, clothes, shoes, his own bedroom, loving parents, quarrelling siblings and even an amazing XBox. He knew there were boys his age that didn't have all that he had, but normally he didn't dwell on it. For ages he had dreamed about a brand new pair of Nike Shox Turbo OH shoes, because he had worn out his old ones.
One day he couldn't find his old shoes anymore. Carlos asked his mom where they were and she told him that she had given them away to a boy that was walking barefoot on the street. She had bought her son a new pair of shoes, of a brand that was totally unfamiliar to him. After a moment of sulking, he decided to put on the new shoes (that were not Nike Shox Turbo OH shoes, not even anywhere close). After all, Carlos had to go to soccer practice.
On his way to the field, he saw some shoes that he recognized. They were worn out, had a hole on the left toe and were tied with red laces. These were the shoes his mother had given away. In them was a boy Carlos' age dressed in rags, but with the biggest smile possibly imaginable.
Excellent story!!
How important those shoes can be. I could have been that mother!
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