Whenever the old man went outside in the beautiful, flowery garden that his wife had spent years cultivating, the dog would follow him like any faithful companion. He would spend hours looking at his master reading political essays and other fine pieces of literature, never going tired. His master was a good one that played with him, petted him and sometimes gave him delicious bones to gnaw at. Sometimes when the old man got tired and needed a siesta, the dog would start whimpering and barking at the second his master closed his eyes. The rest of the family members explained this odd behaviour as a fear of losing his master to death.
Through the years, the faithful dog also got older. He continued looking after his master until one day he knew it was his time to leave. He was no longer able to take his food, nor his water, and although his master and the other family members did all they could to save him, it could not be done. The dog had been called and there was no way he could ignore his calling.
As the dog drew his last breath of air, it was as if he in one moment could feel all the love he had ever given and been given throughout his life. His master had loved him for 12 years; the dog had loved his master for 84.
As they parted, tears were covering the old man's smile.
There are some dogs very special in everyone's life!!
That was really sad, I've got tears in my eyes.
Thanks you for write that sad history, I've got tears in my eyes again.
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