The alarm clock went off at exactly 8 o'clock. Willow turned it off half-conscious and turned around to sleep a little longer. Tito was trying to communicate with her through a veil of sleep that was still uniting her with the dreaming world. When his words failed to reach in to her, he started to massage her while repeating his words. Slowly Willow gained consciousness parting with sleep and understood what he was saying. "Happy Women's Day, Willow! I love you!" Tito's irresistible dark eyes could probably make any woman feel beautiful. His promise to make a romantic candlelight dinner for two to celebrate the wonders of womanhood sounded lovely. Tito knows how to make Willow feel special.
Happy Women's Day to all you fantastic, strong and beautiful fellow sisters out there.
"Happy Women's Day everyone"
Happy Women's day! (Has Tito got a spare twin you can send to France?)
We'll just clone him for export ;-)
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