Once upon a time there was a mouse that was so happy that it decided to give its heart away. It felt a strong and warm feeling inside and knew what it had to do. Seeing the mole up on its dam it run towards him. "Mr. Mole," it said, "I'd like to give you my heart because I feel so happy today." "No time for hearts, my dear mouse, I have a dam to build," the mole answered and continued his work. The mouse was not the kind to give up and so it continued its wanderings in the forest.
Suddenly it felt a thump in the head. A walnut. "Good morning, Mrs. Squirrel," the mouse said upon seeing her up in the tree. "I feel so happy today that I'd like to give you my heart." "No time for hearts, my dear mouse," said the squirrel. "I have walnuts to crack." Feeling a bit blue, the mouse continued. It sat down on a little piece of bark in the greenest of clearings. "Why doesn't anyone want my heart?" The mouse asked itself with a sigh.
Then a tall, thin creature with a never-ending neck came up to the mouse. The mouse had never seen any such thing. "Excuse me, miss, but what are you?" "I'm a giraffe," said the giraffe. "What a beautiful heart you have." "Thank you," the mouse said with a sigh. "I used to be so happy that I wanted to give my heart away, but no one wanted it because they had no time." Thinking for a bit, the mouse suddenly lightened up. "Maybe you want my heart, Miss Giraffe?" It said with excitement in its voice. "Oh, I couldn't," said the giraffe. "It's too much and beside no one has ever given me anything before." "But I want to," said the mouse, and stretched its arms out towards the giraffe.
And from that day on the mouse and the giraffe shared something special and lived happily ever after.
What a lovely story.
Great story Willow!!
Thank you Anji, thank you Tito :-)
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