The black sun was filling the city with darkness. The neverending silence was deafening. All the regular people had most likely hidden themselves out of fear or out of intelligence. The young girl was out on the slippery sidewalk all alone, walking quicker and quicker. The sun made her cold, so she slowed down to be even colder. At last she reached her destination. It was a big forged iron gate. She put her finger on the doorbell and waited. Time had seemingly stopped. Then she heard something incomprehensible on the highly modern speaker and the gate opened. She went in, found the hidden door on the inner wall and opened it. Complete darkness. She turned off her vision and opened for touch. Feeling her way forward she found the staircase. A flickering yet playful light met her on the second floor and she turned on her vision again. Reaching the forth floor she was met with a great big hug and followed the hugger inside. Everything was different there.
1 comment:
Glad there was a happy ending
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