Having enjoyed looking at old French postcards for quite a while, Willow decided to take a trip back in time to see how the world really was when the postcards were made. Anji (the master mind behind Time And Oft) said she'd just go fetch her coat and she'd come along as well.
Meeting for the first time, Willow showed Anji her brand new invention - a red, white and blue time machine with a cockpit resembling that of an airplane. Closing the door, buckling up and pressing a few buttons, they were on their way, going at a steady phase of 10 years per minute. Destination had been set to 19th century France.
When the time machine suddenly began to shake, Willow gave Anji an insecure smile, hoping her fellow traveller would continue believing everything was at it should be... When the time machine finally came to a full stop (after more shaking that a 5th degree earthquake), Willow slowly opened then door. She didn't know what to think; just that the view that met her certainly did not look like Paris or Marseilles or any other French fashionable 19th century town.
There were rocks in all shapes and sizes as far as the eye could see, some so big that they would be classified as mountains. Norwegian mountains. Trapped between these wildly majestic mountains was a wooden house that must have been an abandoned (or still inhabited?) train station. The mountains probably made it look smaller than it really was. Willow sent a guilty look Anji's way, trying to decipher what she might be thinking about the unfortunate situation Willow unknowingly had put them in.
Anji was secretly pleased because she knew that her husband's aunt lived in a house built in a similar style. She died before Anji got the chance to go all the way to the top of Norway to meet her.
I hope we shan't get so shaken up on our next trip!
I'm happy there are no hard feelings because of the little mishap with the time machine. Will try improve it before setting out on a new adventure ;-)
Raumabanen is my favourite train journey. And that train station is still there :o)
Maybe we should go on that train journey all three of us then. Safer than the time machine!
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