My cellular phone rang on Saturday evening. The caller's number was not familiar to me. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi, is this Willow?" a female voice asked. I had to admit it was. "I have this really great thing to offer you," she exclaimed energetically. "Do you have any children?"
Obviously she had done some cross references between my name, my number, my age and what she considered the appropriate moment for having children.
The lady wanted to offer me this marvellously wonderful super-fantastic-special-price-for-you membership in a book-club for children. When she heard my answer and discovered that sometimes cross references don't give you the desired result, she almost sounded sad. Lost profit for her. Maybe even a waste of her time.
I guess you could say this was my debut at motherhood. Sudden and unexpected. The magic works of time.
1 comment:
Take your time, I hope the offer of children's books didn't tempt you to start a family!
I love that picture.
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