04:17 am. Willow was fast asleep. 04:18 am. Willow was woken up by a repetitive loud noise. Being halfway sub-conscious, she didn't first understand what it was. Then she gathered that it was the fire alarm. She asked herself why on earth they needed to have a fire-drill in the middle of the night, and that even on a Saturday. Putting on some clothes, she ran down all the 183 steps to the main floor. Getting down to the second floor, she smelled (and saw) smoke. Gathering with the rest of the tenants outside the building, she realized that it might not be a fire drill after all. And that she had made a big mistake forgetting that it was winter outside in her sub-conscious choice of clothing... Two large fire engines filled with smoke divers arrived, the police came and even the ambulance. At 04:51 Willow (now having turned blue with cold) and the rest were allowed to go back inside.
Cause of drama: 2 burning sausages that someone had left on the stove unattended on the second floor.
I'm glad to read that you are safe and sound. I bet the owner of the sausages feels really silly
Believe it or not, the owner of the sausages had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, and even the sound of the fire alarm did not wake him up!!! (I have this info from one of his flatmates.)
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