Dedicated to Tito.
She could look at him for hours at the time without going tired of it. The dark hair that always lay in perfect place. The beautiful colour of his skin that she envied him so much. The small opening between his front teeth when he smiled. Oh, that wonderful smile... Most important to her were however his eyes. His warm, brown eyes lined with long, black eyelashes. That pair of eyes was very special and she could read a lot about him in them. At one time, the sunrays hit his face at a certain angle and she was able see all the golden lines and spots in his eyes. Never had she seen anything more beautiful. He was surprised by her statement and she perhaps even more. She would later draw him a picture of his right eye on a napkin and explain to him how the spots and lines reflected the numerous characteristics of his personality. He did the same thing for her afterwards. And when she took her glasses off, he described her as a Goddess.
(An excerpt from the story "Painting your eyes with the colour of hope" by Willow. )
Hola Willow!!!! muchas gracias por escribir asi de mi!!! me parece que yo tengo una historia con esas mismas caracteristicas???? pero en verdad que escribes muy bien y lo haces con mucho sentimiento, si yo pudiera escribir como vos haria descripciones tan lindas de tus ojos como vos lo haces conmigo!!! pero no escribo tan bien como vos, eres prefecta mi Willow bella!!!!!!
No, mi Amor, vos eres perfecto. Perfecto para mi.
Vivin la vida loca. Dette var kanskje en litt for personlig post til å kommentere, men du klaget jo din nød igår da. Så her er jeg. Kommentere denne posten..det kan jeg ei. Den var vel tiltenkt noen helt andre:P
Mr Hansom.
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