Dewey Decimal Classification 5 (Norwegian edition), Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2 (Norwegian version) and NORMARC (format for exchanging machine readable bibliographic data ) have become my daily helpers in a world where specialized and professional books need to be classified and catalogued in the bibliographic database Mikromarc.
Sounding all boring? As a matter of fact, I find it highly interesting and, even better, an excellent way of practicing my acquired professional skills as a librarian. My job is both challenging and rewarding, and getting all this positive feedback on my work, I'm walking around as if I were a big, bright, shining sun. (And this in spite of having been totally out of luck in the wine-lottery!) Now, how much better could a job get?
With this, I'm encouraging my readers (assuming I still have any left...?) to tell me about their jobs.
Do I have to tell you about my job? It's great and I love it, that's all I can be bothered to say ;o)
I tell you about my job :) it`s very hard work. I`m what they call a "room -maid" in Norway :) hehe. Working at Ullevål Pasient Hotel. Work from 8.00- 15.30. ( sometimes later) Tomorrow I`m even working on a saturday. (sunday too)
jupp jupp.
hugs from ceci
I work 3-4 days a week, as a clerk at the local Coop Prix. Can't complain really..Just the shortage of work hours maybe, but in a way i suits me at the moment. I've read lots of books, visited Bare Jazz:), been up late and just...been enjoying myself. If Dear Willow, I'm happy. What more could one wish?
Mr Hanson.
PS: Hvis du vi bli bedre kjent med undertegnede, så må du lese "Sola er en feit Gud" av John Ewo. Hovedpersonen der er..svært lik hovedpersonen i mitt liv.
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