Sunday, February 04, 2007

Magic world

The air was filled with fairies, their magic wands flickering with sparks. Then he appeared and the world stood still for a moment. Tito had come. Willow threw herself around his neck, giving him a big kiss welcome. She knew she was never to let go of him ever again. So much time had passed, at a slow snail's phase, but they had made it. Finally she felt herself as a complete human being. Tito felt the same.

Love is a powerful force.


Anonymous said...

Thank you my Willow!!!

I love you so much, I'm very happy to be in your arms again.


Anonymous said...

Your little text is so full of love, so beautiful. Tears come floating to my eyes reading it.


Anji said...

I'm so glad you are together again.

Anonymous said...

Your text is wonderfull, I liked very much, you are very especial and tito too.