Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A short glimpse into a different place

They were sitting on the porch without talking. Maybe they were enjoying the silence, knowing they didn't have to say anything. He sat behind her with his arms tightly wrapped around her. She held an empty coffee-cup. Their faces were expressionless, as if they had difted away to a new place. A place where they could be alone while being together. A place where they didn't need any words.

I saw them from my window. I was alone. Solitude has a sad beauty attached to it.


Anonymous said...

Ha veces la soledad hace bien...pero yo prefiero la compañia, por supuesto si es con vos!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hay que soñar para lograr concretar lo que uno quiere, sigue soñando y tarde o temprano todo se volverá una realidad, paciencia porque al final te das cuenta que todo vale la pena.