Willow had a 6 hours literature exam. Coming to school, she was almost excited. Not just because the Christmas vacations were only 6 hours away, but also because she would be able to write several pages about her favourite topic, literature. Getting the exam questions, Willow smiled to herself - she knew she would be able to give good answers to all 4 questions. She actually enjoyed working with the task, and completed the 4 questions in only 4 hours.
When she was about to hand in the exam, she looked a bit closer on the exam text. It said: "Please choose two of the questions below to answer." Acknowledging her slight error, she couldn't help but break out in giggles. Then she chose to hand in the answers to the two questions she thought she had done best, and took the papers with the remaining two questions home.
Note to self: Read and RE-READ the exam text before starting up your creative solution mode next time - no matter how interesting and fun the questions may seem.
Oh I'm so sorry for you, at least you enjoyed yourself; I'm exam supervising at the moment. You wouldn't believe what people forget to bring with them. The longest I've supervised is four hours. Could you have a break to go to the toilet?
Of course: toilet breaks, smoke breaks, getting fresh air breaks.... We have these really sweet retired persons supervising us. If you need a break, one of these will acompany you.
Tell me, what are the things people forget to bring? I'm curious :-)
They forget to bring a dictionary to a language exam. If they are allowed documents , some forget those. We provide calculators so they don't forget those. They forget erasers, rulers and they forget to put their name at the top of the paper!!
Ouch, that's a lot of forgetting!!! One should think that at an exam people would make sure to bring whatever they're allowed to bring in order to make a better exam.
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