Late morning.
The sun has fully come out, but it's just for light, not for warmth. The questions you asked yourself several hours ago have not been answered. You're still standing outside the same building with gothic windows and leaf-covered walls. Your instincts tell you to go ahead, enter the mysterious building and get the answers you're looking for. Your reason, however, tells you that you can get arrested for breaking into a place or trespassing.
Walking usually helps troubled minds make themselves up, and that results in the discovery of a barely visible door. The strong growth of the red-leaved ivy has covered it nearly completely. Leaving your reason behind, and acting on pure instincts, you reach for the door handle. It's stuck... you think. Trying a bit harder, you surprisingly see that there is movement, and the opening is just big enough for you to slip in. The rays of light touches something glimmering on the inside, but you cannot see what it is.
What do you do? Do you follow your reason; closing the door and escape before anyone sees you and calls for the police to arrest you? Or do you go with your immense curiosity and instincts telling you that you should go into the abandoned building because it may contain something you might be looking for?
Your choice.
Aqui tienes un mesaje Willow!!
Me gusto mucho la historia...el proyecto nuevo era....??? Creo que no entendi...pero te quiero mucho.
I love the pictures of autumn. I think that I would risk going in.
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